Friday 12 February 2010

One pound at a time!

My goals for week two were to have more "filling foods", plan an extra snack for 4-5pm and to try a little exercise. I'm delighted to report that I succeeded in all three!
For week two I started making a small salad for lunch (as well as my ham sarnie) with lettuce, egg, onion & capsicum and a mini wholemeal pitta. This helped me to feel so much more satisfied during the day and, surprisingly, was really yum too! I also made some curried Butternut Squash soup (BNS, onions, capsicum, curry powder, vege stock) which was delicious - highly recommended!

I don't feel like I have time for exercise, so I decided to use my lunch breaks to go for a short 20 minute walk. I was really surprised that I enjoy the chance to get away from my desk and get some fresh air ("fresh" being the operative air - chilly!).

Weigh in on Tuesday saw a loss of 1 pound.

Being a seasoned dieter, I don't often fall into the trap of complaining "ONLY one pound", as I know that is a healthy weight loss. However being only my second week I had to admit I was hoping for a little more. Never mind, some great friends on the WW message boards cheered me up with this little ditty:

Hello, do you know me?
If you don't you should.
I'm a pound of fat, and I'm the happiest pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.

Want to know why?
It’s because no one ever wants to lose me.
I'm only one pound, just a pound.

Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds or fifteen pounds.
but never only one, so I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
Then I add to myself ever so slyly, that you never seem to notice it, that is until I've grown to ten, twenty or even more pounds in weight.

Yes it’s fun being only one pound of fat, left to do as I please.
So when you weigh in, keep right on saying "oh, I only lost one pound" ( as if it was such a terrible thing!)
For you see, if you do this you'll encourage others to keep me around because they will think I'm not worth losing.

And I love being around you, around your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
Happy days!!! After all, I'm only one pound of fat!!!

(image courtesy of MyPetFat)


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